Assault Charges in Texas: Types, Penalties, Defense

While some states have seperate charges for assault and battery, under Texas law, both physical assault and verbal threats are considered “assault”. Below, we’ve broken down the types of charges, penalties, and possible defenses associated with assault charges in Texas. Types of Assault Charges in Texas Depending on the severity of the offense, you could …

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Resisting Arrest Charges in Texas: Definition, Regulations, Consequences

Getting arrested by law enforcement officers is a stressful experience for most people, while for others, it can be downright panic inducing. Police officers must follow the proper protocol for making arrests, but if you behave in a way that’s construed as Resisting Arrest, additional charges can be leveled against you, even if you believe …

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Third Degree Felony in Texas: Law, Penalties, Collateral Consequences

A third degree felony is a serious crime in Texas. Consequences of a conviction include a jail sentence between two and ten years and a fine of up to $10,000. In some cases, a third degree felony will be enhanced, carrying even more severe consequences. What Is a Third Degree Felony in Texas? Felonies are …

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First Degree Felony in Texas: Law, Penalties, Collateral Consequences

A first-degree felony in Texas is the second-most severe type of conviction. A conviction can result in a life sentence, fines of up to $10,000, and the collateral damage that comes with a criminal record.  Texas Felony Classifications Felonies are split into five levels of charges depending on the severity of the crime. The most …

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