Aggravated sexual assault involves a sexual assault with at least one aggravating factor that increases the offense’s severity.
Capital Murder vs. First-Degree Murder in Texas
Capital murder is the most serious offense you can commit in Texas. It means committing a premeditated murder but with aggravating factors that elevate the charge to a “capital” felony. In Texas, capital murder is a death penalty offense, while first-degree murder carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Capital Murder vs. First-Degree Murder …
Is Plan B Legal in Texas?
Plan B and other emergency contraceptives, including a separate medication called “Ella” that helps prevent pregnancy within 72 hours after having unprotected sex, are legal in Texas. These contraceptives are not the same as “medicated abortion pills.” This is where the confusion arises about which medications are legal. Texas’s strict abortion laws do not affect …
Objection Hearsay Meaning + More Common Courtroom Objections
If you’ve ever watched a legal drama on television, you’ve heard someone shout “Objection, Your Honor! Hearsay!” at a critical dramatic moment. In simple terms, that usually means a witness cites information they’ve heard from someone else. An objection is a protest raised by an attorney during a legal proceeding. It alerts the judge that …
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What is Nunc Pro Tunc? How to Fix a Clerical Mistake in a Court Order
Nunc pro tunc orders allow the courts to fix clerical errors and reduce delays in the judicial process. They issue a decision that applies retroactively as if the decision had been made at an earlier date. Nunc pro tunc is a Latin term that means “now for then.” The orders are procedural tools that correct …
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What is the Legal Age of Consent in Texas?
The age of consent in Texas – the age at which you can legally consent to sexual activity – is 17. This means that individuals who are age 17 or older can legally engage in consensual sex with peers who are at least 17. However, some exceptions protect teens who are within three years of …
What is the Romeo & Juliet Law in Texas
Texas’ “Romeo and Juliet” law helps teens who have not yet reached the state’s age of consent (which is 17) avoid facing a potential statutory rape conviction for having consensual sex with a peer. For the “Romeo and Juliet” law to apply, the age gap must be no greater than three years. The law comes …
Is Porn Illegal in Texas?
Most – but not all – forms of pornography are legal in Texas. However, there are laws in place to protect vulnerable people from unknowingly or indirectly becoming the subject of pornographic images. There are also rules in place to protect minors from exposure to harmful or obscene content. In some instances, even sharing images …
What is a Mistrial in Texas — and What Happens Next?
A mistrial is basically a do-over. It ends a legal proceeding before a resolution has been reached. If your case goes to trial and the jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict, a judge finds evidence of misconduct, or even if a juror dies during the proceedings, a mistrial will be declared and the …
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What is a Protective Order in Texas?
Family violence is one of the most common charges we see, and in recent years, Texas courts have issued approximately 30,000 to 40,000 protective orders per year. A protective order is issued by a court to protect someone from harassment, abuse, stalking, or threats by another person. They are typically issued in family violence cases, …