THC-H is a compound that occurs naturally in hemp and marijuana plants. According to claims, it is significantly more potent than Delta-9 THC, which is currently technically legal in Texas in low concentrations. THC-H’s legal status in Texas is up for debate. Though state laws say any hemp-derived THC substance with a potency lower than …
Is Weed Legal in Texas? A Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains
“Is weed legal in Texas” is a particularly complicated question. Weed is illegal in Texas, aside from approved medical marijuana programs, and many police departments heavily enforce this. However, hemp-based THC products are legal, as long as the THC potency is below .3%. Texas’ marijuana laws are determined by the state legislature, many of whom …
Is Weed Legal in Texas? A Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains Read More »
New Texas Drug Laws in 2024
Drug laws in Texas are constantly evolving. Recent updates include revised penalties for drug and marijuana offenses, more flexible sentencing guidelines for judges, and a crackdown on those who are accused of manufacturing or distributing fentanyl. Here is a roundup of the state’s newest drug laws and updates to currently existing laws. Recent Updates and …
Is Delta 9 THC Legal in Texas?
You may have seen the ads on social media: They promise better sleep, reduced anxiety, less pain, and even help with intimacy issues. Sounds like a miracle, right? And it gets better. These ads are referring to Delta 9 THC, which is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. Delta 9 is legal in …
Can Prescription Drugs Impair Your Ability to Drive Safely in Texas?
Most drivers in Texas are aware of the dangers of Driving While Intoxicated—that is, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What many people don’t realize, however, is that you can get charged and convicted of DWI for operating a vehicle under the influence of any substance that impairs your driving ability, including prescription …
Can Prescription Drugs Impair Your Ability to Drive Safely in Texas? Read More »
How Do I Get a DWI in Texas Dismissed?
Getting arrested and charged with a DWI in Texas is a stressful experience that nobody wants to go through. But the good news is that charges do not always lead to a conviction. A first DWI can—and should—be defended against. Here at Michael & Associates, our #1 goal is always a dismissal, and we have …