Prostitution Laws in Texas: Classification & Penalties

Prostitution is illegal in Texas—but what does that exactly mean? Below, we break down the various laws, convictions, and penalties associated with prostitution according to the Texas Penal Code. Is Prostitution Legal in Texas? All forms of prostitution are illegal in Texas. Parties who participate in the offense will face charges and consequences—but before we …

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Yes, You Can Refuse a Breathalyzer in Texas. But Should You?

In most cases, you can refuse to take a Breathalyzer or blood test if you’ve been stopped by law enforcement officers in Texas. However, the police officer may still be able to obtain a warrant for a mandatory blood or urine test, and your refusal can be used against you in court during a DWI …

Yes, You Can Refuse a Breathalyzer in Texas. But Should You? Read More »

Will a DWI / DUI Make You Fail a Background Check in Texas?

There’s no getting around it. A DWI conviction carries weighty financial and time costs. For instance, The Zebra reported that no individual road violation attracts a higher insurance premium than a DWI. So, considering your career prospects,  you might wonder, “Will I fail a DWI background check?” Texas does not expunge DWI charges automatically, even …

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What’s the Cost of a DWI in Texas? More than You Think

Many people underestimate the true cost of a DWI in Texas. The truth is that offenders can face costs totaling up to $20,000 or more. But that’s not all. A DWI conviction can permanently damage your reputation, career, and personal life. Here are some direct and collateral expenses that a DWI will generate: Bail bonds …

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3rd DWI+ in Texas? Penalties, Jail Time, and How to Fight It

A 3rd DWI in Texas can attract a decade-long jail term and up to $26,000 in fines from the court, state, and licensing office. However, that humungous time and money loss is only a fraction of the story. Persons convicted of a third-time DWI offense would have a life-long felony record to their name. Read …

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How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Record in Texas?

A charge for driving while intoxicated (DWI) has serious personal, financial, and legal ramifications. The threat to your freedom, reputation, and livelihood can be stressful and scary. But one additional complication: your permanent record. Read on to learn how long DWIs stay on your record in Texas, and what you can do to get them …

How Long Does a DWI Stay on Your Record in Texas? Read More »

2nd DWI in Texas? Laws, Penalties, and How to Fight It

2nd DUI in Texas? Laws, Penalties, and How to Fight It A 2nd offense DWI in Texas carries weighty penalties that can permanently alter your career, family, and lifestyle options. But one in three DWI cases is a repeat offense. So, on estimates, the Lone Star State has about 21,000 second-time DWI arrests out of …

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