- You’ll need to be able to provide some basic information, including last name and first initial
- If you’re looking for someone in prison, the TDCJ database is the best place to start
- If you’re looking for someone in jail, there’s one statewide database, but you may have to search each county individually
Finding an inmate in Texas can be difficult. Texas has over 100 prisons, including state prisons, state jails, and private prisons. Texas also has 18 federal prisons and nine federal prison camps. In addition, the state has 252 jails in 254 counties.
If you’re trying to locate someone – or have filed charges against someone and want to be certain they’re in custody – there are hundreds of places to search. And that’s not even counting the websites that allow you to enter the search information, then try to charge you a fee. Legitimate government sites will not ask for payment.
Where you start will depend on whether they’re being imprisoned or jailed. The two aren’t the same. Once you know that, narrowing your search becomes easier.
What we’ll cover here
Statewide: TDCJ Inmate Search
Jails house defendants awaiting trial and those sentenced to low-level crimes, like misdemeanors.
Prisons house inmates convicted of more serious crimes, typically felonies.
If you’re looking for someone in prison, the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) maintains a searchable database of everyone in the prison system at https://inmate.tdcj.texas.gov/.
The minimum information for searching is any of the following:
- Last name and at least the first initial of the first name
- TDCJ number
- SID (state identification) number
The database will show you the facility, projected release date, parole eligibility date, offense, offense date, and conviction date, as well as personal information including age and gender. This includes anyone on Texas’ death row.
If you’re trying to find out whether someone is on the list of registered sex offenders, there’s a separate database: https://sor.dps.texas.gov/PublicSite/
If you don’t have enough information to use the search function, you can call (936) 295-6371 or (800) 535-0283.
Federal Prison
If someone is in a federal facility outside of Texas, you must use the U.S. Bureau of Prisons website. you can search using a first and last name. It will show you the register number, race, sex, facility, estimated release date, and date of death, when applicable. https://www.bop.gov/mobile/find_inmate/byname.jsp
County Jails
Finding someone in a county jail can be a bit more complicated. Texas has 252 jails in 254 counties. If you know the county where the defendant was charged, use that county’s database (when available). We have provided links to all of them below. However, many smaller counties don’t maintain a searchable database. In those cases, we have provided a phone number.
Additionally, even when you know where someone was arrested or charged, some counties transfer inmates to facilities in other counties or even out of state.
If you aren’t sure which county to search, there is a generic searchable database at https://www.vinelink.com/classic/#/home/state/TX, but it isn’t as comprehensive or user-friendly as some of the individual county sites. However, finding someone this way will be easier than randomly calling county jails or sheriff’s departments.
Here is the information to find inmates in Texas’ five largest counties:
Bexar County
To find someone who is currently in custody in the San Antonio area, start with https://search.bexar.org/.
You can find a list of anyone arrested within the past 24 hours here: https://centralmagistrate.bexar.org/. You can also use that site to find an inmate’s System Identification Number (SID)
To find court dates, visit https://www.bexar.org/3856/New-Justice-Information-Portal
READ MORE: How to find an inmate in Bexar County
Dallas County
In Dallas County, to be able to search, you’ll need to have the inmate’s first and last name, race, and gender. https://www.dallascounty.org/jaillookup/search.jsp
You can also find docket schedules for defendants, though you must have their full names to search. https://www.dallascounty.org/government/criminal-courts-docket-information
READ MORE: How to find an inmate in Dallas County
Harris County
You can search with the inmate’s first and last name, last name, and date of birth, at least two characters of the last name, the Social Security number, or the SPN only. https://harriscountyso.org/JailInfo/FindSomeoneInJail
You can search trial dockets by date and court: https://jpwebsite.harriscountytx.gov/courts/DocketInquiry.do?pageid=Trial%20Docket%20Inquiry&pagecode=TR&clr=Y
READ MORE: How to find an inmate in Harris County
Tarrant County
You will need to have the inmate’s first and last name. The site allows you to choose “all” for race and “both” for gender. https://inmatesearch.tarrantcounty.com/
You can also view who is on the magistration docket each day. The site provides each defendant’s name and the charges they face: https://inmatesearch.tarrantcounty.com/Home/Docket
READ MORE: How to find an inmate in Tarrant County
Travis County
You will need the inmate’s last name to search: https://www.tcsheriff.org/inmate-jail-info/inmate-info/find-an-inmate#/sip
You can also use a last name to search the criminal court docket: https://publiccourts.traviscountytx.gov/dsa/#/
READ MORE: How to find an inmate in Travis County
Other Texas Counties
Here is a list of how to check inmate lists in Texas’ remaining counties, listed alphabetically:
Anderson: https://anderson-so-sc.zuercherportal.com/#/inmates
Andrews: https://www.co.andrews.tx.us/242/Sheriffs-Office
Angelina: https://www.angelinacounty.net/jailinfo/
Aransas: https://www.aransascounty.org/detentioncenter/inmates.php
Archer: https://archercountyjail.org/
Armstrong: Call (806) 537-3511
Atascosa: https://atascosacountyjail.org/
Austin: Call (979) 865-5321; Female inmates are currently being housed in Fort Bend County. To learn about access and visitation, you must call the jail at 979-865-5321 on Monday or Tuesday only. Visitation hours are only on Fridays and Sundays.
Bailey: https://baileycountyjail.org/
Bandera: https://banderacountyjail.org/
Bastrop: https://www.co.bastrop.tx.us/page/lec.faq
Baylor: Call (940) 889-3333
Bee: Call (361) 362-3221
Bell: http://nwweb.co.bell.tx.us/NewWorld.InmateInquiry/TX0140000
Blanco: Call (830) 868-7104
Borden: Call (806) 756-4311
Bosque: Call (254) 435-2362
Bowie: https://portal-txbowie.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Brazoria: https://pubweb.brazoriacountytx.gov/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Brazos: https://brazoscountytx.gov/276/Brazos-County-Detention-Center
Brewster: Call (432) 837-5541
Briscoe: Call (806) 823-2131
Brooks: Call (361) 325-5604
Brown: https://www.inmatesearchtexas.org/Brown_County.html
Burleson: https://www.burlesontx.com/2605/Jail-Information
Burnet: https://www.burnetsheriff.com/jail/
Caldwell: Call (512) 398-6777
Calhoun: http://dcn.calhouncotx.org/dcn/
Callahan: Call (325) 854-1444
Cameron: https://cameroncountytx.gov/incoming/inmates/site/
Camp: Call (903) 856-6651
Carson: Call (806) 537-3511
Cass: Call (903) 756-7511
Castro: Call (806) 647-3311
Chambers: Call (409) 267-2500
Cherokee: Call (903) 683-2271
Childress: (940) 937-2535
Clay: Call (940) 538-5611
Cochran: Call (806) 266-5211
Coke: Call (325) 453-2717
Coleman: https://netweb.netdatacorp.net/NDLEC/bok/cgibokcole.html
Collin: https://apps2.collincountytx.gov/JudicialOnlineSearch2/global
Collingsworth: Call (806) 447-2588
Colorado: Call (979) 732-2388
Comal: http://public.co.comal.tx.us/default.aspx
Comanche: https://www.co.comanche.tx.us/upload/page/9417/12162025.pdf
Concho: Call (325) 732-4312
Cooke: Call (940) 665-3471; The sheriff’s department says an inmate search is coming soon. Check https://www.co.cooke.tx.us/page/cooke.detentionctr for updates.
Cottle: Call (806) 492-3131
Crane: Call (432) 558-3571
Crockett: Call (325) 392-2661
Crosby: Call (806) 675-7301
Culberson: Call (432) 283-2060
Dallam: Call (806) 244-2541
Dawson: Call (806) 872-7560
Deaf Smith: http://www.dscso.org/uploads/2/0/0/8/20082443/jailroster.pdf
Delta: Call (903) 395-2146
Denton: https://justice1.dentoncounty.gov/PublicAccess/default.aspx
DeWitt: Call (361) 275.0034
Dickens: Call (806) 623-5533
Dimmit: Call (830) 876-3508
Donley: Call (806) 874-3533
Duval: Call (361) 279-6209
Eastland: Call (254) 629-1774
Ector: https://portal-txector.tylertech.cloud/JailSearch/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Edwards: Call (830) 683-4104
Ellis: https://ecso.llhostings.com/
El Paso: https://www.epcsheriffsoffice.com/inmate-search#!/search
Erath: https://portal-txerath.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Falls: Call (254) 883-1431
Fannin: Call (903) 583.2143
Fayette: https://www.co.fayette.tx.us/page/fayette.Sheriff.Corrections
Fisher: Call (325) 776-2273
Floyd: Call (806) 983-4901
Foard: Call (940) 684-1501
Fort Bend: https://jailinq.fortbendcountytx.gov
Franklin: Call (903) 537-4539
Freestone: Call (903) 389-3335
Frio: Call (830) 334-4169
Gaines: Call (432) 758-4023
Galveston: https://p2c.galvestoncountytx.gov/jailinmates.aspx
Garza: Call (806) 990-9974
Gillespie: https://www.gillespiecounty.org/page/gcso_homepage
Glasscock: Call (432) 354-2361
Goliad: Call (361) 645-8259
Gonzales: Call (830) 672-6362
Gray: Call (806) 669-8022
Grayson: https://judicialsearch.co.grayson.tx.us:8443/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Gregg: https://www.greggcountytxsheriff.org/divisions/jail-division/
Grimes: http://grimescountyso.org/divisions/jail-division/
Guadalupe: https://portal-txguadalupe.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Hale: https://www.halecounty.org/county_offices/jail/jail_roster.php
Hall: Call (806) 259-2151
Hamilton: https://www.hcso.org/justice-center-services/inmate-search/
Hansford: Call (806) 659-4140
Hardeman: Call (940) 663-5374
Hardin: https://hardincountysheriff.com/jail-info
Harrison: Call (903) 923-4003
Hartley: Call (806) 235.3142
Haskell: Call (940) 864-2345
Hays: https://public.co.hays.tx.us/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Hemphill: Call (806) 323-6212
Henderson: Call (903) 675-5128
Hidalgo: https://pa.co.hidalgo.tx.us/default.aspx
Hill: https://www.co.hill.tx.us/page/hill.CountyJail
Hockley: https://interopweb.com/hockleysotx/
Hood: https://webapps.co.hood.tx.us/bond/Default.asp?
Hopkins: http://www.interopweb.com/hopkinssotx/CurrentInmates.aspx
Houston: Call (936) 544-2862
Howard: Call (432) 264-6051
Hudspeth: Call (915) 369-2161
Hunt: https://www.huntcounty.net/page/hunt.sheriff
Hutchinson: https://www.hutchinsonsherifftx.org/roster.php
Irion: Call (325) 835-2551
Jack: https://klag-pr-app-jailroster.azurewebsites.us/?_TX1190000
Jackson: Call (361) 782-5407
Jasper: Call (409) 384-5417
Jeff Davis: https://co.jefferson.tx.us/sheriff/content/documents/inmate/currentinmates.pdf
Jefferson: https://co.jefferson.tx.us/sheriff/content/documents/inmate/currentinmates.pdf
Jim Hogg: Call (361) 527-4140
Jim Wells: http://jwcs.mvl-dev.com/
Johnson: https://jcportal.johnsoncountytx.org/jail/
Jones: Call (325) 823-3762
Karnes: Call (830) 780-3931
Kaufman: https://portal-txkaufman.tylertech.cloud/Portal
Kendall: https://www.kendallcountysheriff.com/roster.php
Kenedy: Call (361) 294-5205
Kent: Call (806) 237-3373
Kerr: https://courts.co.kerr.tx.us/CaseManagement/PublicAccess/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Kimble: Call (325) 446-2766
King: Call (806) 596-4413
Kinney: Call (830) 563-2788
Kleberg: https://www.klebergcoso.org/roster.php
Knox: Call (940) 459-2041
Lamar: Call (903) 737-2400
Lamb: Call (806) 385-7900
Lampasas: Call (512) 556-8255
La Salle: Call (830) 879-3044
Lavaca: Call (361) 798-2121
Lee: Call (979) 542-2800
Leon: https://www.leoncountyso.com/departments/detention-facility/inmate-search
Liberty: https://portal-txliberty.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Limestone: Call (254) 729-3278
Lipscomb: Call (806) 862-2611
Live Oak: Call (361) 449-2271
Llano: Call (325) 247-5767
Loving: Call (432) 377-2411
Lubbock: https://lubbocksheriff.com/active-jail-rosterhttps://lubbocksheriff.com/active-jail-roster
Lynn: Call (806) 561-4505
Madison: Call (936) 348-2755
Marion: Call (903) 665-7201
Martin: https://findtheinmate.com/gsapdfs/173714285696217.VERIFY.20837.70857172.html
Mason: Call (325) 347-6937
Matagorda: https://portal-txmatagorda.tylertech.cloud/Matagorda/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Maverick: Call (830) 773-2321
McCulloch: https://klag-pr-app-jailroster.azurewebsites.us/?_tx1540000
McLennan: https://apps.co.mclennan.tx.us/apps/injail.pdf
McMullen: Call (361) 274-3311
Medina: Call (830) 741-6058
Menard: Call (325) 396-4705
Midland: https://www.co.midland.tx.us/201/Current-Detainees
Milam: https://www.milamcountysherifftx.org/roster.php
Mills: https://findtheinmate.com/gsapdfs/173714323477317.VERIFY.20837.71234971.html
Mitchell: Call (325) 728-5261
Montague: Call (940) 894-2871
Montgomery: https://jailroster.mctx.org/
Moore: Call (806) 935-4145
Morris: Call (903) 645-2232
Motley: Call (806) 347-2234
Nacogdoches: https://www.nac-sheriff.com/CountyJail/InmateSearch.asp
Navarro: http://jailroster.ncsotx.org/
Newton: Call (409) 379-3636
Nolan: Call (325) 235-5471
Nueces: Call (361) 887-2222
Ochiltree: Call (806) 435-8000
Oldham: Call (806) 639-2174
Orange: https://mrc.co.orange.tx.us:8672/mrcjava/servlet/CJLILESO.M00510s
Palo Pinto: https://www.palopintocountysheriff.com/inmate-search/
Panola: https://portal-txpanola.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Parker: https://portal-txparker.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Parmer: Call (806) 481-3303
Pecos: https://www.reevescounty.org/home/
Polk: https://cc.southernsoftware.com/bookingsearch/
Potter: http://public.pottercountysheriff.org/pottersheriff/PrisonerAndTheirOffensesReport.pdf
Presidio: Call (432) 729-4911
Rains: Call (903) 473-3181
Randall: https://www.randallso.gov/inmates
Reagan: Call (325) 884-2424
Real: Call (830) 232-5201
Red River: https://netweb.netdatacorp.net/REDR/bok/cgibok108todate.html
Reeves: https://www.reevescounty.org/home/
Refugio: Call (361) 526-169
Roberts: Call (806) 868-3121
Robertson: https://www.robertsoncountysherifftx.org/roster.php
Rockwall: https://portal-txrockwall.tylertech.cloud/JailPublicAccess/default.aspx
Runnels: Call (325) 365-2121
Rusk: Call (903) 655-3000
Sabine: Call (409) 787-2266
San Augustine: Call (936) 275-2424
San Jacinto: Call (936) 653-4367
San Patricio: Call (361) 364-9600
San Saba: Call (325) 372-5551
Schleicher: Call (325) 853-2737
Scurry: Call (325) 573-3551
Shackelford: https://findtheinmate.com/gsapdfs/
Shelby: Call (936) 598-5600
Sherman: Call (806) 366-5551
Smith: Call (903) 590-2800
Somervell: Call (254) 897-2242
Starr: Call (956) 487-5571
Sterling: Call (325) 378-4771
Stonewall: Call (940) 989-3333
Sutton: Call (325) 387-2288
Swisher: Call (806) 995-3326
Taylor: Call (325) 691-7423
Terrell: Call (432) 345-2525
Terry: https://www.terrycountysherifftx.org/roster.php
Throckmorton: Call (940) 849.8855
Titus: Call (903) 577-7200
Tom Green: https://www.tomgreencountysheriff.org/inmate-roster/
Trinity: https://www.co.trinity.tx.us/page/trinity.Sheriff.Inmates
Tyler: Call (409) 283-2172
Upshur: https://upshur-so-tx.zuercherportal.com/#/inmates
Upton: https://www.inmateaid.com/prisons/upton-county-tx-jail
Uvalde: Call (830) 278-4111
Val Verde: Call (830) 778-0096
Van Zandt:
Victoria: https://dcn.vctx.org/dcn/
Walker: https://portal-txwalker.tylertech.cloud/Walker/default.aspx
Waller: https://www.wallercountytexassheriff.org/inmateSearch/
Ward: Call (432) 943-6703
Washington: https://washington-911-tx.zuercherportal.com/#/
Webb: https://publicaccess.webbcountytx.gov/BondSearch/default.aspx
Wharton: Call (979) 532-1550
Wheeler: https://www.wheelercountysheriffsoffice.com/inmateSearch
Wichita: https://portal-txwichita.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Wilbarger: Call (940) 552-6205
Willacy: Call (956) 689-5576
Williamson: https://judicialrecords.wilco.org/PublicAccess/JailingSearch.aspx?ID=400
Wilson: Call (830) 393-2535
Winkler: Call (432) 586-3461
Wise: https://jail.co.wise.tx.us/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Wood: https://portal-txwood.tylertech.cloud/PublicAccess/default.aspx
Yoakum: Call (806) 456-2377
Young: https://netweb.netdatacorp.net/NDLEC/bok/cgibokyoun.html
Zapata: Call (956) 765-9961
Zavala: Call (830) 374-3615
How to Search for an Inmate
- Identify the facility: If you’re searching by county, you’ll need to have an idea of where the inmate is being held. The county where the arrest occurred is a good starting point.
- Enter the required information: You’ll need details such as the inmate’s name or ID. You should not be required to pay for this information. There are plenty of sites that look official but aren’t official government sites.
- Review the results: The search tool will display results, often including the inmate’s location, charges, booking number, arrest records, release date, and other relevant details.
- Keep checking: If you don’t find results on the first try, wait a few days and try again. Records are regularly updated due to transfers, releases, bonds, and changes in legal status, but they may not always have the current information.

Rebecca Stumpf manages content research and editing for Michael & Associates. She is an award-winning journalist with 30+ years of experience working for daily newspapers. Her work has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Business Insider and DallasNews.com.

Rebecca Stumpf manages content research and editing for Michael & Associates. She is an award-winning journalist with 30+ years of experience working for daily newspapers. Her work has appeared on CNN, CNBC, Business Insider and DallasNews.com.