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What is THC-H, and is it Legal in Texas?

Ben Michael
  • THC-H is up to 33 times more potent than Delta-9 THC
  • There are no published lab results to confirm whether THC-H products meet Texas’ legal standards
  • Only substances with a THC potency lower than .3% are legal in Texas

THC-H is a compound that occurs naturally in hemp and marijuana plants. According to claims, it is significantly more potent than Delta-9 THC, which is currently technically legal in Texas in low concentrations.

THC-H’s legal status in Texas is up for debate. Though state laws say any hemp-derived THC substance with a potency lower than .3% THC is legal, there are no published lab results to confirm that THC-H items sold through retailers meet this legal standard.

Additionally, there are no field tests to determine whether THC products meet the potency requirements. Lack of accurate testing means that if you’re caught possessing or transporting THC-H, you’re probably going to be arrested and could face felony charges.

Legalizing THC in all forms is a hot-button issue in Texas. While about 60% of Texans say they want THC to be legal in the state, the state’s lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, has vowed to do everything within his power to get the substance outlawed during the upcoming legislative session.

What is THC-H?

THC-H is shorthand for tetrahydrocannabihexol. It is a phytocannabinoid that occurs naturally in tiny amounts in cannabis plants. 

Researchers first examined THC-H in 2020. However, there’s minimal testing or information that shows the level of intoxication it provides. 

Does THC-H Get You High?

Yes, THC-H will get you high. Some sources claim that THC-H products are up to 33 times more potent than Delta-9 THC. However, there is very little research to show how that is quantified. And there is no documented research on potency, so these claims could simply be a way for companies to collect your money.

When Michael & Associates tested multiple samples of THC products from Texas, we found that most didn’t meet the potency requirements advertised on the packaging. Our specimens included at least one sample that contained an undisclosed amount of THC-H.

The lack of research into THC-H means it could be dangerously strong for inexperienced users. 

THC-HStrongPowerful high, intense relaxation, euphoria
Delta-8MildPain relief, relaxation, creativity
Delta-9ModerateEuphoria, increased appetite, relaxation

Is THC-H Safe?

As with most cannabis compounds, research on THC-H is extremely limited. Consequently, so is information about the product’s safety.

THC products are generally safe in small doses for healthy people. However, people with pre-existing medical conditions should approach THC-H with caution.

THC can cause serious health effects for people with severe anxiety, cardiovascular problems, or specific neurological issues. Because no one truly knows how potent THC-H is, there’s no way to assess how it could impact users with medical conditions or interact with other prescription medications.

Individuals with any pre-existing conditions should consult a doctor or pharmacist before consuming THC-H products in any form.

Hemp-based THC is technically legal in Texas if the potency is below .3%.

What are the Effects of THC-H?

Some claims include:

  • Increased energy
  • Focus
  • Creativity
  • Euphoria
  • Relaxation
  • Increased appetite

Consumption may trigger side effects such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Headaches
  • Increased heart rates
  • Nausea
  • Paranoia

Medical professionals caution that people who suffer from anxiety should avoid THC-H, as even a small dose can trigger attacks. 

What are the Benefits of THC-H?

People will typically see the same results as Delta-9 THC but with a significantly higher level of intoxication. 

People claim the following benefits:

  • Mood improvement
  • Appetite stimulation
  • Sleep improvement
  • Relief from mental or physical fatigue

How is THC-H Made?

THC-H is crafted like Delta-8 THC and is manufactured by restructuring the molecules. 

The restructuring helps to bypass the fact that natural marijuana-derived THC is federally illegal. Since low-concentration hemp-derived THC products are legal under federal law, manufacturers use this molecular restructuring to use CBD as a base for THC-H products.

Is THC-H Synthetic?

Yes. Though THC-H is a compound that occurs naturally in hemp and marijuana plants. However, it is naturally occurring in tiny amounts. This is the same problem manufacturers face when extracting Delta-8 THC. The trace amounts aren’t enough to justify the extraction process, so manufacturers create it synthetically. 

Natural CBD and Delta-9 THC are much more abundant. 

THC-H vs. Delta-9 THC

Amounts are too small to extract naturallyExtracted naturally
Believed to be at least 20 times more potent than Delta-9Considered the most potent THC form when compared to Delta 8, Delta 10, and THC-A
It is legally ambiguous in Texas. There are no published lab reports to establish whether this meets the legal standard of less than .3% THCTechnically legal in Texas, but only if the THC potency is below .3% THC
Typically syntheticTypically natural
Legally ambiguous under federal lawTechnically legal under federal law

Ways to Consume THC-H

THC-H is typically consumable in the same ways as Delta-9. This includes smoking, vaping, edibles, tinctures, beverages, and topicals.

Will I Fail A Drug Test After Consuming THC-H?

Probably. THC-H will likely make you fail a drug test. Drug tests simply look for cannabis metabolites, which form when your body breaks down cannabis compounds, including THC. 

Ben Michael

Ben has vast experience in defending criminal cases ranging from DWIs to assault, drug possession, and many more. He has countless criminal charges dismissed and pled down. Among many other awards, one of the Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys in Texas and winner of Top 40 under 40.

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