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Is it Illegal to Wear Headphones, Earbuds, or Airpods While Driving?

No matter what you call them, no Texas law prohibits people from wearing headphones, earbuds, or AirPods while driving.  However, as with most Texas laws, there are grey areas. Headphone usage is technically legal unless law enforcement officers determine you use them as a “hands-free wireless communication device.” This means you shouldn’t get in trouble …

Is it Illegal to Wear Headphones, Earbuds, or Airpods While Driving? Read More »

Police officer arresting drunk driving suspect

Statistics: Chances of ALR Dismissal in Texas are Higher Than You Think

Many of our clients ask whether it’s worth going through the ALR process. We believe it is, for reasons we will explain in a bit. However, data obtained via Texas’ Public Information Act show that 34% of defendants have had their cases dismissed since 2022. The numbers show Harris County residents have the best odds …

Statistics: Chances of ALR Dismissal in Texas are Higher Than You Think Read More »

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Is Weed Legal in Texas? A Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains

“Is weed legal in Texas” is a particularly complicated question. Weed is illegal in Texas, aside from approved medical marijuana programs, and many police departments heavily enforce this. However, hemp-based THC products are legal, as long as the THC potency is below .3%. Texas’ marijuana laws are determined by the state legislature, many of whom …

Is Weed Legal in Texas? A Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains Read More »

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